Decent work, financial inclusion, and economic growth: Analysis under the SDG 8


  • Chokri Zehri Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
  • Mohammed El Amin Bendahmane Tissemsilt University, Algeria
  • Kadja Amina Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center Mila, Algeria
  • Inaam Zgarni University of Sfax, Tunisia
  • Habib Sekrafi University of Jendouba, Tunisia



We investigate the potential influence of decent work and financial inclusion on economic growth, aligning our analysis with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8). Analyzing a diverse set of 26 low-income, 20 middle-income, and 15 high-income countries, we utilize a dynamic fixed-effect panel data approach and apply the Generalized Method of Moments from 2010 to 2021. The findings highlight that favorable conditions for decent work and increased access to digital financial services contribute positively to economic growth. The synergistic effect of these SDG 8 components is notably pronounced in high-income countries, with greater potential for elevated economic growth rates. Conversely, no discernible impact is observed on the economic growth of low-income countries. The results for middle-income countries present nuanced coefficient outcomes, offering a more intricate interpretation of their economic dynamics. An extensive impulse-response analysis, conducted using a Panel Vector Autoregression model, demonstrates distinct impacts of shocks related to decent work and financial inclusion across various income categories of countries. Our findings pass various robustness checks, affirming their reliability and suggesting significant policy implications for recognizing the crucial role of decent work and financial inclusion in fostering economic growth.  




How to Cite

C. Zehri, M. E. A. Bendahmane, K. Amina, I. Zgarni, and H. Sekrafi, “Decent work, financial inclusion, and economic growth: Analysis under the SDG 8”, Heritage and Sustainable Development, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 197–218, Mar. 2024.


