Innovative efforts and export performance in Ecuador’s metal mechanics industry


  • Anderson Argothy Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador
  • Justin Llamuca Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador
  • César Guerrero-Velástegui Technical Universtiy of Ambato, Ecuador
  • Fernando Herrera National Polytechnical School, Ecuador
  • Ximena Morales Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador



This study aimed to investigate the innovation activities of exporting companies in the meta-mechanics industry in Ecuador using the Ecuadorian Science, Technology, and Innovation Activities (ACTI) survey database. A total of 219 metal–mechanical companies were selected, and a principal component analysis was conducted to identify the most commonly used innovation activities by exporting companies. Additionally, a logit econometric model was developed to determine the probability of exporting based on the selected innovation activities. The findings of this study indicate that not all innovation activities increase the probability of innovation in the metal-mechanic industry in Ecuador. Specifically, the acquisition of machinery and equipment increases the probability of innovation in the industry. Overall, this research contributes to our understanding of the innovation-export relationship in the meta-mechanics industry in Ecuador and has important implications for policymakers and businesses seeking to promote economic development and growth in this sector.




How to Cite

A. Argothy, J. Llamuca, C. Guerrero-Velástegui, F. . Herrera, and X. Morales, “Innovative efforts and export performance in Ecuador’s metal mechanics industry”, Heritage and Sustainable Development, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 709–720, Dec. 2024.




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