Heritage and Sustainable Development is Accepted for Inclusion in Scopus


We are pleased to announce that the journal Heritage and Sustainable Development (HSD)ISSN 2712-0554 has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus by the Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) on April 14, 2022.

We are delighted that the journal development over the past years has reached this milestone. We thank all the members of our board, reviewers, researchers and associates who have made contributions and efforts.

The Scopus onboarding process will take certain time until it gets listed in Scopus, which may take up to a year before a landing page is created (i.e., to be discoverable within Sources search).


What's Next?
"All recently accepted titles will be listed separately in the Scopus Title list within 1 month after acceptance, see the second tab 'Accepted titles'. If you can't find the title there, please check the tab 'Scopus sources'."
